417 South Kane Street, Burlington, WI 53105
Infant/Toddler/2’s/3K/4K/School Age
Linda Wingreen, Director
Phone 262 763-3883
In His Arms Childcare
In His Arms has been serving the families of the Burlington community for 25 years. In His Arms provides a fun, Christian, faith-filled environment focusing on vital areas of growth.
mission statement
Our mission is to provide the highest possible quality childcare for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-aged children.
Our curriculum is theme-based and our activity centers foster the continued spiritual, social, intellectual, physical and emotional development of each child.
A typical day includes learning activities, free play, stories, music, group games, Bible lessons, Art, rest time, outside play, snack time, hugs . . .
general information
Center Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:00pm
3K and 4K provides flexible scheduling Monday-Friday 8:30am-11:30am
Before and After School Care is available for 3K/4K
After School Care is available for School Age
Supervised pick-up for children from Waller Elementary
We follow the Burlington Area School District schedule for closures of holiday breaks and inclement weather.
Children grow when they learn they are loved by God and loved by people. Christian values and moral standards are absorbed at a very early age. They blossom in a stable, consistent environment. Children mature emotionally, physically, spiritually, intellectually, and creatively when the best resources and the most committed people are intently focused on them. With the gift of people and resources, we bring the love of God to the children at our center.
Our curriculum follows the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. We provide a balance of hands on, fun learning approach enabling your child to learn through play. We utilize the Ages and Stages developmental screening tool that pinpoints developmental progress in children between the ages of one month to 5 ½ years.
State Licensed
Nationally Accredited
A Wisconsin YoungStar 5 Star Center
Locked Facility
Summer Program Available
Highly Qualified Staff
Nutritious Snacks
Smart Boards
Large, Fenced Outdoor Play Area
Loving Environment
Parent Involvement
a typical day
Morning Activity
Circle/Calendar Time
Bible Stories
Snack Time
Small Group Activity
Learning Centers
Outdoor play
Music and Movement
Large Group Activity
In His Arms is a joint ministry, involving members of Our Savior Lutheran Church, the teaching staff, the family, and the child. Our Christian Learning Center is an arm of outreach, as teachers and staff show they care about the child’s total development. We maintain a warm and loving Christ-centered environment with planned activities appropriate for children and their developmental stages. Each child experiences success and builds upon the foundation for their future. Through teachers and staff, children learn of the unconditional love of Jesus. We partner with parents to help them grow and celebrate God’s blessing in their lives.
Employment opportunities
Explore the joy of serving children in the context of God’s love.
Contact Linda Wingreen for more information.
For more information, please contact Linda Wingreen